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From: Brian Hemmings Date: Thu 13 Dec 2018 16:53
Subject: The Hop
Hi, what a day, I came across your web site and I was taken back 50 odd years to the Hop where I spent many a fantastic night (even though I spent a lot of it working in the cloak room).
I lived in Great Ley and went to The Howard School along with Herby Sparks, Jab, Kenny Hollywood, and the “Bumps” Mick Salmon, Brian Griffiths and Barry Trevis.
I was looking through the groups appearing and wondered about The Tridents with an unknown (to me) Jeff Beck who was amazing. My lasting memory is of Tony Rivers and co sitting on the stage steps as we cleared up, singing acapella, brilliant!
Thanks for the memories, it’s magic that you are helping to keep these memories alive.
Great job!
Brian Hemmings

From: Coda Date: Sat 28 Aug 2018 12:19
Subject: Clem Cattini
Although they have the date wrong, a nice mention for you, Clem, on "This Day In Music"
'28Aug1939 Born on this day, Clem Cattini, drums, The Tornadoes (1962 UK & US No.1 single 'Telstar'). The first major hit from a UK act on the American chart. Cattini has featured on a record 44 different UK No.1 singles, from artists such as Tom Jones, T. Rex, The Seekers, Bay City Rollers, Rolf Harris and Hot Chocolate.'
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Clem Cattini: Yeh dates are wrong it's 20th August 1937 that's down to Wikipedia

From: Christine Hinson Date: Sat 15 Jul 2017 1:35 PM
Subject: Attimore Hall School
Hi all, I am Christine Hinson, now Chris Powell and living in Eaton Bray, near Dunstable. I would love to know what happened to Susan Scandrett, Brenda Lobb, Jeanette Read - who I can see now lives in Australia as does so many of the people I went to school with it seems. I am in touch with Lorraine Berry, now Lorraine Baggs and living down in Cornwall and working in Penzance. Also anyone who may remember me, please get in touch, it would be lovely to hear from you.
From: John Date: Thursday, 14 Jul 2016 10:31 AM
Subject: Mick Casey
Is Mick Casey in The Trekkas by any chance the same Mick Casey who taught guitar at Aldwickbury School in Harpenden in the early 70s? I remember he had an Eko Ranger, a red 335 with massive belt buckle damage to the back, and 12 string Telecaster his dad built for him. If it was, he was an absolute genius of the guitar and a great teacher - still find those lessons inspirational 45 years later. John, London.
See photos on Danny Bacon's page. Ed
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Hi John.... That’s the same Mick Casey.... Unfortunately Mick passed away some years ago. I played with Mick through the late 60’s/70’s....He was a great player. Miss him. Also played Aldwickbury School. Regards, Danny Bacon
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Hi Mick, Martyn, Dave and Danny, Thanks for your emails. That's such sad news about Mick, I had no idea. Its impossible to overstate the impact he had on the class he taught. Aldwickbury being Aldwickbury, we expected the guitar teacher to be some middle aged guy with a Spanish guitar, who'd insist on us learning to read music and play classical pieces. Then in walked Mick looking like he'd just stepped out of the Top Of The Pops studios. He was a hero to us, embodying everything we wanted to be when we grew up. He seemed to have it all at 22 - fantastic guitar player, brilliant image, played in a band, drove a Triumph Spitfire, all of which seemed incredibly cool. I think he'd just got married and bought a house in Welwyn, and had a day job designing steel structures, if I remember rightly. On top of all that, he was a really nice and very modest guy. Very sorry to hear he's no longer with us, but very glad to have known him briefly when he was. All the best John
From: Paul G Davies Date: Saturday, 24 Oct 2015 17:31
Subject: The Hop
Hi, Just came across your site via looking for the 'Hop' at Woodhall community centre. I used to walk up there from my childhood home near Hatfield Hyde on a Friday? night for the disco as well as seeing a whole heap of early starters who went on to become famous. I loved the mention of Rumbelows, my first single came from there, Twinkle as I recall. Anyway, to the reason for mailing, Attimore Hall 1967, pic 3, number 12 next to Pip is me Paul Davies, now living in France. A good site, keep it going, and thanks. Best regards, Paul G Davies
From: Alan Davies Date: Thursday, June 04, 2015 9:45 AM
Subject: The Hop
Hi, This is a follow up on a post I sent you 5 years ago concerning Max Baer and the Chicago Setback.
I have a Family Web Site with Photos of my Family going back over 70 years ago, when out of the blue The Lead Guitarist of Max Bear’s Chicago Setback contacted me I have not seen him for over 40 years. He now lives in Italy, he sent me Photos of the members of the group and I have found the Photos taken from the Film Sebastian which they appeared in the sixties. I have done a mini site checkout Photos/sebastian/menu.html Great Memories. All the best.
From: James Date: Monday, July 30, 2012 10:52 PM
Subject: Live Interview with Clem Cattini on BBC Radio 6 Music 2012
Hi Everyone, Just found a very good interview with Clem and Radcliffe & Maconnie (sorry don't know their first names) on BBC Radio 6 Music. The interview was earlier this year.
At last Clem has been recognised for his brilliant work.....let's hope there's more recognition to come. Enjoy....l did.
James - Lincoln, UK
From: Clem Cattini Date: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 14:44 PM
Subject: The 4instants
There is an album by the 4instants who are mike keene gtr, dave wintour bass, mike o'neill keys and yours truly on drums - the original Ivy League backing band.
From: Jon Brindle Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 12:52 PM
Subject: Hatfield Local History Society
Hi Dave, Thanks very much (for allowing us to use some photos from the Coda website). Of course we'll give acknowledgement to Coda and photographer. As for your 'humble website' ; I think it is a brilliant and important source of reference and of great interest. Well done to you all. Best regards
Jon Brindle
From: Arielle Cassiday Date: Saturday, July 30, 2011 6:01 AM
Subject: A Joseph Question--Please help!
Hello, I have been a fan of Joseph for my entire life. I mean really, the day I was brought back from the hospital my parents listened to Joseph. Little did I know I was doomed to spend the rest of my 23 years desperately trying to explain to people that the Donny Osmond version is not the "real" Joseph and that the only worthy version is the one by the Joseph Consortium. Now, I am not positive, but I believe the Joseph Consortium is you guys? If so, PLEASE answer this question for me. I have been wondering this since I was able to wonder things. WHO sings the main part/the narrator part in the original Joseph? The album I'm talking about is black with a small gold Joseph on the front. It lists the Joseph Consortium but does not say who is which part! Is it true Tim Rice is Elvis Pharaoh? I am so excited to hear back. I cannot wait to know the answers. I am a singer and I will say right now that whoever sings the "narrator" part on the original Joseph has the most beautiful male voice I have ever heard. Thank you for this.
Arielle (from Chicago)
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Reply from Joseph Consortium member Malcolm Parry
Hi Dave, Hope all's good with you. Thanks for passing on the email...... if you haven't got the info from the other guys yet it's this:
Tim was indeed Elvis Pharaoh..... complete with swivelling hips!... lol!
As for the main narrator part.... well this was sung throughout the album by Terry Saunders, Malcolm Parry and David Daltrey at different times..... depends which bit Arielle is talking about as to who gets first prize!.... :o )
Hope that helps. Nice to know we've still got some fans of the album out there! Cheers,
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Reply from Joseph Consortium member Terry Saunders
Hi Arielle, I prepared this in 2007 for a fan in Chile! I hope it contains the information you require? If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.
We will all be fighting over your description of the "voice"!
Terry Saunders.
PS I am surprised there is still an interest in the original recording after so many years! Thank you.

“Way way back”: me, Terry Saunders
“Jacob chorus”: Terry Saunders, Malcolm Parry and I think John Cook
“Favourite son”: David Daltrey
“Josephs Coat”: Colet Court Choir
“I dreamed”: David Daltrey
“The dreams were more than”: Malcolm Parry
“Next day”: Tim Rice, organ breaks - John Cook, Guitar breaks - David Daltrey
“Poor poor Jacob”: Colet Court Choir
“Joseph was taken”: Colet Court Choir, Guitar breaks David Daltry
“Potiphar”: Lead vocal Malcolm Parry, backing, John Cook & Terry Saunders
We later re-recorded this and it was released as a single by the Mixed Bag.
“Suddenly they heard”: Malcolm Parry & Joseph response using recording trickery.
“Poor poor Joseph”: Colet Court Choir
“Close Every Door”: Lead David Daltrey, Backing, Terry Saunders, Malcolm Parry, John Cook, Hammond Organ, Dr Lloyd Webber.
Side Two.
“Joseph’s luck”: Malcolm Parry, backing vocals Terry Saunders, John Cook.('yea hare' is John on the 'go go go Joseph' bit)
“Meanwhile in his bed”: David Daltrey
“Poor poor pharaoh”: Colet Court Choir
“Chained and bound”: Malcolm Parry
“I was wandering”: Tim Rice, 'Bup shwady' etc. Terry Saunders, Malcolm Parry, John Cook, bass voices Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice
“Seven years”: David Daltrey
“Pharaoh thought well stone”: Terry Saunders; (backing Malcolm Parry, John Cook)
“Back in Canaan”: Malcolm Parry, 'No no no', Everybody
“Stop”: David Daltrey
“Who’s the thief”: Colet Court Choir
“Is it”: Tim Rice 'Yes yes yes' Colet Court Choir.
“Benjamin”: David Daltrey
“Show him some”: Colet Court Choir
“And Joseph knew” David Daltrey
“Joseph Joseph”: everybody
“So Jacob”: Malcolm Parry, backing Terry Saunders & John Cook
“I closed my eyes” David Daltrey
“Give me”: Everybody

The main recording with the orchestra was done in one day at Decca Studio One, in London.
8 Track recorder, one of the first in England.
Vocals were recorded over 2 or 3 night sessions over the next 2 or 3 weeks.
Terry Saunders. 7th October 2007.
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Reply from Arielle to Terry
Thank you so so so much!!!!! You will probably win the fight... "the voice" I mean is you, for the most part! My favorite voice is the one from "Way way back". That is not to say the other voices aren't all amazing. I must say, my other favorites are "The Dreams Were More Than", "Next day", "Potiphar", "Close Every Door", and then the entirety of the last song. I actually had my choir teacher arrange me a version of "Close Every Door" which I performed at a solo/ensemble competition.
I really cannot tell you how astounding it is to me that something I have heard my entire life, and grown up loving more than ANY other musical work has now become a real live personal thing! I am actually in contact with the "voice" I've always listed as my unknown favourite voice of all time. :) Not to mention I now am only one degree of separation away from Andrew LLoyd Webber, my favorite composer of all time. Thank you again, so very much. This is so meaningful to me. I feel like one of those girls who got to see the Beatles in person and fainted! Ha ha.
PS Thank you for putting the songs together based on the beginning lines of each. I know the whole thing by heart-- of course!--so that was the best way to organize it. :) The original recording is to me the only one. Don't worry, I will continue trying to "convert" people, haha. Also, are there any other recordings/albums (related or not to "Joseph") which you or the other members made? I would like to hear them. Best wishes,
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Reply from Arielle to Malcolm
Thanks again for the email. Please pass the message on to Malcolm that his voice is my other favorite (based on the info Terry gave me, Malcolm sings my favorite song on the album), and I did laugh aloud trying to imagine Tim Rice as Elvis Pharaoh!.... if there is some sort of video footage of that out there, I'd love to see it! Ha ha! Best Wishes,
Tim actually does a very good Elvis impression. Click here to view photos from the 40th anniversary of Joseph. Dave
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Reply from Tim Rice, Thursday, August 11, 2011 1:30 PM
Hi Dave: The album Arielle refers to sounds like the US release on the Scepter label of the original Decca Joseph LP. There were several narrators as far as I can recall. I did quite a bit as did Malcolm Parry and Terry Saunders of the Mixed Bag group. The boys' choir also narrated some numbers. David Daltrey of course sang the Joseph songs. I was also Pharaoh. The Joseph Consortium was just the name for everyone involved.
Thanks for your kind comments about American Pie which I hope gets repeated on Radio 2 before too long.
All best
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Further note from Arielle
Thank you so much Dave!
This is so exciting and I'm glad to finally be getting all my questions answered! Apparently I should have tried this strategy years ago, haha. This is definitely one of those stories I will be telling all my friends and family for a very long time. Every time I get a new email from one of you it's sure to be a great day.
Thanks again for everything; with such a dedicated group you guys really deserve all the fans you have, and more.
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Update from Terry Saunders 03 Jan 2013
Amazon have downloads from "original" Joseph. Incorrectly titled but you can not expect everything!
Regards Terry
From: Mike Horne Date: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 20:36 AM
Subject: 1960's instrumentals
Hi Dave. I haven't visited your site for a while since I posted my last comments. My old email system let me down, so if someone did send me replies about the 50th anniversary of Telstar in 2012, or about the personnel line up of the Gemini instrumental group that recorded the single "Spacewalk/Goodbye Joe in 1965, I did not receive them. James from Lincoln was right in saying that The Tornados should have got better recognition for their efforts, even though it is nearly 50years ago since they recorded Telstar! You will be surprised to hear that many people (incorrectly) thought it was The Shadows that first recorded Telstar in 1962. I have read all about the so-called French plagiarist that tried to make out that the tune of Telstar was his, and also about the failed attempt for the Tornados to tour the U.S.A ! By the time that they got to recover from this, The Beatles then swamped the music charts, spoiling it for people who enjoyed good quality instrumentals. The Beatles did not really do much for me at all, but I enjoyed many of the other groups of the 1960's. Did anyone see the tv programme "24 hrs in A & E"? I happened to see it, and it featured Roger La Verne. It was interesting to see him featured on television. The programme close down tune in this case was Telstar - great to hear it ! I once helped Roger by selling him a cd that I had that featured old photos of the group when they were on tour in the 1960's. I also spoke to him by telephone - it was really interesting to talk to him. I did enjoy the other instrumentals that The Tornados recorded, Globetrotter, Robot, The Ice Cream Man, both versions of Ridin' The Wind, etc. I got to hear Lullaby of the Stars (previously unreleased), what a great track! A lot of people and members of the group did not like the follow ups to Telstar, but I could not see anything wrong with the tracks at all. I also think that Love and Fury was really an excellent track. It is also interesting to hear their backing track to the Tony Victor single "B" side "There was a Time". Clem and Roger should get some form of an award for their services to music !!
Best wishes
Mike Horne, Leeds
From: Shaun Hendry Date: Sunday, February 27, 2011 8:25 PM
Subject: Graham Dee
Hi, I'm trying to help the above gentleman - whose name I hope might mean something to you - piece together details on some old recordings. Is a long shot, but having come across your website, I just wondered is there any possibility the name James/Jimmy Patterson (a black US serviceman who lived in the UK for a while) who sang on a handful of Graham's productions might ring any bells, and lead to any leads to establish his whereabouts. Any vague glimmer of hope would be most appreciated...........
Thanks, Shaun.
If you can assist please email
From: Judy Morhen Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 2:35 AM
Subject: Hi Coda
I saw you had a message in March 2010 from Anna in Reading, trying to find what had become of Miss Irene Maylands who taught at Hugh Farringdon in Reading from 1959 to 1965, before going to Attimore school in Welwyn Garden City. I’ve sent the 1967 Attimore picture in which Miss Maylands appears to a friend of mine in Australia, and would add our request to Anna’s for any information about a teacher whom we all respected and who made a great difference to our educational prospects. Many of us have wondered for years what happened to her, and would be glad to know how she fared.
Judy Morhen, Portsmouth – formerly of Hugh Farringdon School in Reading.
From: Brenda Martin Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 9:25 AM
Subject: Hi Coda
Hello people, I have just found your website whilst looking for information about Mr. H. Wallis-Hoskins. I see that he was headmaster at Attimore Hall in l967.
He was headmaster at King Alfred School, Ploen in Germany until 1957 or so.
Does anybody have any further info. about him? Thanks for any info. you may have.
Rgds. Brenda Martin (former pupil at KAS, Ploen)
From: Chris Lloyd Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 4:00 PM
Subject: Hi Coda
Hi All, Loved, this web site and it brought back so many memory's, for me! We loved the hop and i used to visit weekly in 1967/8/9 with my mates, especially John Gray, we have the same Designer suits we had made for us by Burtons, grey pin stripped with high collars, long jackets and flaired bell bottoms, we thought we looked the dogs bllks! and used to Dance together, with the girls! Love to hear if anyone remembers us! We were friends with Herbal Remedies, Jab and Herbie. They were a great group!
Thanks, also to Greg, who used to live next to my wife in Hatfield in the sixties, i always him, playing Paul McCartney's first LP over and over! Where and why did all the music go from Wgc, just look at this site to see who used to play their, from Geno Washington to Cream, Such a shame!
Cheers, Chris Lloyd
From: James Date: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:35 PM
Subject: Hi Coda
We should start a campaign for the Tornados to be recognised for an award by the government for topping the charts in the USA & UK at the same time and for Clem Cattini to get a CBE or something for drumming on 45 no 1 hit records ........ if it was a 'namby-bamby footballer scoring a goal or egg chasing rugby player or drunken cricketer participating in the ashes they would have been recognised! .... so come on folks write to downing street and support their case!!!!!
James, Lincoln

Reply from Clem Cattini
Hi Dave I think James is right we never received the credit for Telstar that we should have done being pre Beatles. As far as his other thought nice, but I don't think it would ever happen. he should menton it to the Joe Meek society.
All the best Clem

From: Alan Davies Date: Monday, August 16, 2010 1:17 AM
Subject: The Hop
Hi there, My Brother-in-Law Derek Phillips was the Bass player with Max Baer’s Chicago Setback they appeared at The Hop on 3/11/1967. He started off in an Instrumental Group in the Early 60’s playing Rhythm Guitar with me on Lead Guitar. I left the group to marry his Sister in 1965. He went on to join Max Bear and the Chicago setback did some touring with them, in 1968 they appeared in the film "Sebastian" Starring Dirk Bogarde - Susannah York - John Gielqud - Janet Munro. He parted with the Group in the 70’s to resume ‘Normal Life’ we used to get together for some Jamming for fun. He was taken ill in the late 80’s And unfortunately passed away in 1990 aged 44. There were no Pictures of the Group to publish but I spent years tracing the Clip of their Spot in the film over 20 years and I managed to get it from a 3rd person. I have put it on my Family Web site at He is sadly missed.
Thank you, Alan Davies
From: Paul McGee Date: Monday, July 05, 2010 7:33 AM
Subject: The Ocarina
My name is Paul McGee. I first heard "Wild Thing" when I was about 15 back in the 80's. I've always loved the song- especially its sound: the crunch and jangle of the guitar, the bop and thud of the drums, Reg's voice, and, of course, the "recorder" solo. I always suspected it wasn't a really a recorder. Recently, I learned that you used an ocarina. I've been wondering what type of ocarina, what was it made of, does the solo start on G5 or G4? I, myself, am a musician and so the curious qualities of "Wild Thing" are obvious to me. What I mean by curious is: the guitar is maybe 25 cents sharp, the drums sound somewhat like boxes, and the "recorder" that doesn't sound like a recorder. These things, to some measure, are what make it such a captivating song (with a seriously hip ocarina solo). I hope you don't mind my questions. I would be so pleased to hear from you. Truly, Paul McGee, USA

Reply from Colin Frechter, Troggs MD, arranger and ocarina player on "Wild Thing"
Hi Dave, Your 'enquirer' must have sharper ears than me! The ocarina was wood, bought from Scarth's Tottenham Court Road, 45 mins before the session started. Pitch in C concert. We didn't have G4 or G5 in those days (pre computers) but I suspect G4. The start note was G natural, a blue note as Wild Thing is in A major (G#'s in key signature) unless he means the 1st bent note. As far as I remember and can hear the guitar is relatively in tune (for rock 'n' roll) 25 cents is a LONG way out of tune.
Kind Regards Colin
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Date: 09 Jul 2010 20.40
Hello Dave, About the rhythm guitar being twenty fives cents sharp- it seems I was wrong about that! I had been playing along to a cassette tape and found it to be about that much #. I've since acquired a digitized version of "Wild Thing" (and I'm awaiting a vinyl copy of "From Nowhere") and found the rhythm guitar to be in tune - in as much as a guitar might be. I still have a question: what kind of ocarina was used? There are 12 hole, 10 hole, 9, 8, 6 and 4 hole ocarinas...
I appreciate Colin's humor and the little piece of the song's story he gave me. Thanks.
Kind Regards, Paul McGee, USA

Reply from Colin Frechter
It was an 18 hole, par 72, Links ocarina. Actually I don't remember as It was bought 45 mins. before the session started. I had one (1) go at the solo (LP would have been thrilled to replace it with a guitar solo if I had messed it up - BUT I DIDN'T) and I never saw the ocarina again!
Reg did phone me at 2.30 on a Sunday morning from Perth (Scotland) to tell me that the ocarina had got smashed when fans stormed the stage. They had a gig in Glasgow on the Sunday evening and 'could I get him another one'. I reminded him it was a Sunday, he was in Scotland and I was in London. I suggested he learned to 'whistle'. I don't know what happened.
My expertise about ocarinas extends to about 48 1/2 mins. But from 'Blood, Sweat & Tears' I know that there are Alto, Tenor and Bass as well as soprano ocarinas (like recorders). Any more info and I will be sending an invoice!
Regards , Colin

From: Mike Horne Date: Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:47 AM
Subject: 1960's instrumentals
Hi, I saw the Coda website, and found the visitors comments & whole site very interesting. I too enjoyed "Telstar" by The Tornados very much indeed, the record holds many precious childhood memories of that era. In fact I prefer records like these to that of The Beatles. I hope there is a 50th anniversary held in 2012 for this wonderful record, as I would definately like to attend it.
I also enjoyed "All The Stars in The Sky" from the film soundtrack, "Just for Fun". This should have also been brought out on an E.P in the 1960's, what a great track !
Are there any plans to bring out the Alan Caddy single "Workout/Tornado", the Gemini single "Spacewalk"/Goodbye Joe", and the Clem Cattini single "Impact/No Time To Think" on CD? These records are impossible to obtain (either in playing quality or cost), and should be released for all to enjoy. It would be great to hear all the unreleased Tornado tracks one day as well.
It would be interesting to know who the musicians were on the Gemini, and Alan Caddy & Clem Cattini singles, does anyone know, please? I would really like to hear all the Tornados unreleased tracks one day.
Best wishes
Mike Horne, Leeds

Date: Sunday, 20 Jun 2010 16:19:43
Hi Dave, I can remember moving from east Leeds to East Suffolk in 1962 and hearing "Telstar" by The Tornados for the first time. My auntie and uncle had a copy of the Decca single. They played it on their Regentone record player in the back yard of their cottage in Rendham one evening (no neighbours to disturb). There was a full moon and there were stars to be seen, the record really added an atmosphere to the scene.
It was many years later that I found out that the keyboard used was either a Selmer Clavioline or a Jennings Univox (Click here for answer - Ed). Not sure which one it was, but a music shop in Leeds had both instruments. I had some info on the workings of the Clavioline, and their engineers got it working. My late father (a former radio & t.v serviceman) had an old Baird valve reel to reel mono tape recorder (it weighed a ton, practically !). He used to record pop records for his own leisure in 1963, and when he played "Telstar" back, the sound was actually "mind blowing", due to the sound quality that only valves can provide. Maybe it may be a good idea to feed the output from a CD player in to a valve amplifier?
The Tornados were the pioneers of electronic music, and probably influenced those later synthesizer groups such as Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Bo Hansson (Swedish group that did 1970's "Lord of the Rings" soundtrack).
Best regards
Mike Horne, Leeds
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From: James Date: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:27 PM
Subject: Hi Coda - Message for Mike Horne
Your prayers could be answered..... If you look on Ebay, Alan Caddy & Clem Cattini singles are available...... currently
James, Lincoln
ps we should start a campaign for The Tornados to be recognised for an award by the government for topping the charts in the USA & UK at the same time and for Clem Cattini to get a CBE or something for drumming on 45 no 1 hit records........if it was a 'namby-bamby footballer scoring a goal or egg chasing rugby player or drunken cricketer participating in the ashes they would have been recognised!.... so come on folks write to downing street and support their case!!!!!
From: M Palmer Date: Sunday, June 06, 2010 7:33 PM
Subject: Rolling Stones @ Stevenage Locarno 1962
Hi, I'm the author of six books now writing a rock memoir and recalling the Rolling Stones.
I was a schoolboy at Alleynes when I saw them and remember the gig vividly. I think it was when they had just one or maybe two singles out 1963. But I've found it hard to nail down the date, even using Stones online databases. The Beatles also played there just before the Stones. I remember it costing ten shillings but the gig must have cost five shillings, from your posts here. Any info, or suggested leads, most welcome.
Love and hugs,
Myles Palmer
From: Anna Date: 07/03/2010 18:01:41
Subject: Hi Coda
Can anyone tell me what happened to Miss Irene Maylands, photographed at Attimore School in 1967? Prior to this she taught at Hugh Faringdon, Southcote, Reading, Berkshire, which is where I knew her. I would be very grateful for any information.
Thank you,
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From: Judy Morhen Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 2:35 AM
Subject: Hi Coda
I saw you had a message in March 2010 from Anna in Reading, trying to find what had become of Miss Irene Maylands who taught at Hugh Farringdon in Reading from 1959 to 1965, before going to Attimore school in Welwyn Garden City. I’ve sent the 1967 Attimore picture in which Miss Maylands appears to a friend of mine in Australia, and would add our request to Anna’s for any information about a teacher whom we all respected and who made a great difference to our educational prospects. Many of us have wondered for years what happened to her, and would be glad to know how she fared.
Judy Morhen, Portsmouth – formerly of Hugh Farringdon School in Reading.
From: Brian McElroy Date: 02/03/2010 23:59:02
Subject: Clem Cattini and the Dave Clark Five and/or Dave Clark & Friends
I visited your website and came across the Clem Cattini section and noticed no mention of The Dave Clark Five nor Dave Clark & Friends.
There is valid information that Bobby Graham played on certain hits of the DC5.
There is also a claim out there that Clem Cattini played on the Dave Clark & Friends tracks after the DC5 broke up.
Do you have any information on this? I'd appreciate any information that you may have.
Thank you.
Brian McElroy

Reply from Clem Cattini
Hi Dave
Yes I did play on DC friends, what tracks I don't know
Regards Clem

From: Clark Tracey Date: 22/01/2010 16:23
Subject: Herts Jazz
Hi there, I'm now responsible for rekindling the Herts Jazz Society which disbanded last month after 40 years. I have a team of helpers and a database of existing members who are looking for a suitable new venue and wondered if any of your subscribers would be able to assist in finding somewhere.
I've also added a group page on Facebook, HertsJazz, inviting its members to contribute any photos or stories of jazz gigs at the Bell Codicote or later venues. I'd appreciate it if you could mention this somewhere for us.
Those interested in becoming a new member should contact me at
Thanks for your time,
Clark Tracey
From: ANTHONY RONALD PARNHAM Date: 29/12/2009 12:06:49
Subject: Re: A Question For Clem Cattini
Hi, My name is Tony Parnham from Chesterfield. I am 65 yrs old but worked in unknown bands during the early sixties in and around the Northern pubs and clubs also playing in Hamburg and France later so I have a fascination with 60's music and admire very much session musicians including Clem and others. My query is that recently I saw the Joe Meek film "Telstar" but got confused a little at the beginning as the Track 'Johnny Remember Me' holds memories for me and believed the following musicians played on the recording;
Bobby Graham Drums, Chas Hodges Bass, Billy Kuy Guitar and Geoff Goddard piano.
In the film they've put Clem on drums with the others.
I searched Youtube and looked at the posting of John Leyton's video shots and although the quality is not that good it looks like Bobby Graham in the band footage shots about 2mins 8 secs into it.
I wonder if you could confirm either way. I'd be most grateful.
Tony Parnham
Answer from Clem Cattini
Tony should realise it was in the film and they call it artistic licence no I did not play on JRM it was Bob but did play on wild wind
All the best and Happy new year
From: "ROBIN LIVERMORE" Date: August 30, 2009 19:23
Subject: Dave Anthony's Moods
Hi, Can anyone help with any pictures or info regarding the band "Dave Anthony's Moods"? I'm doing some family research into the band's history and any info would be very gratefully received. regards, Robin Livermore
p.s My dad played the trombone for the band his name is Graham Livermore.
Dave Anthony's Moods performed at The Hop on Monday 15 August 1966 - Editor
From: "RITA PRIOR" Date: July 01, 2009 12:58 PM
Subject: Full Circle
Hi, I recently saw on your website a review about a band called Full Circle. The bass guitarist was a Kevin Crase I was wondering whether you know whether Kevin used to live in North Finchley, if so I knew him many years ago. Can you let me know where they are playing in the area if they are still together. Regards, Rita
As far as we are aware, Full Circle split up several years ago. Can anyone who knows Kevin Crase advise? (Email link on the left) Editor
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A successful result as Kevin Crase replies
Hi, I saw this on your website and wonder whether you could let me have Rita's email. I am the Kevin Crase she refers to and did live in North Finchley years ago. It would be great to be able to contact her again. With Thanks, Yours Kev Crase
From: "DAVE BREWIS" Date: 14 Apr 2009 11:37
Subject: Russ Stableford & Clem Cattini
Hi - great to see all the info on Russ Stableford and Clem Cattini - did Russ also play bass on "Eloise" by Barry Ryan, or "Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep"? Whoever it was on those tracks, they are brilliant! Dave.
From: "MICHAEL COSTER" Date: 29 Oct 2008 10:08:00
Subject: Your local scene
I note you mention 'Bumps In the Night'. No other details were provided. Does anyone remember them? I saw them perform at Studio club in Soho. They were a wild RnB group on lines of Pretty Things. Further details would be appreciated.
Michael Coster, Replies from Barry Travis and Mike Salmon below
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Note From 'Bumps In The Night' Bassist Barry Trevis
Hi Dave Incredible to think people are still interested in the 'Bumps' after all these years. Glad to see that with your website the memories and even some of the bands are being kept alive to this day! The 'Bumps' were a pretty popular local R&B group in the mid-sixties with quite a few London and Home County gigs and even a gig in Mannheim, Germany, I recall. The description of 'a wild R&B group on the lines of the Pretty Things' is pretty spot-on. We did cut a disc of our own version of Bo Diddely's "Pretty Thing" and signed up with an agency in Carnaby Street (on the same day as The Small Faces signed with them). It was not released however, the music scene changed just at that time and ultimately the band disbanded.
Since the late-Sixties I have only kept in contact with Brian Griffiths, Rhythm Guitar, who lives in Market Harborough. However, Mick Salmon, the Vocalist and Harmonica player, returned from Canada some 8 years ago and made contact and the three of us met up and looked at old photos of the band over a few beers. Mick, who now lives in Stratford-on-Avon, had his 60th in June '07 and we met there, along wth Pat Bowen, the Bumps Roadie, who works in the music business and lives in London. I am still a Garden City boy, although living in Lemsford since ''76. None of us have any idea where Mick (Cardy) Pennamacoor, Drummer, or Brian Racher, Lead Guitar, are or whether they are still alive! I know the band continued for a short time after I left so he may have been involved then.
So to fill in your details - Mick and my entries are correct, but you could add 'harmonica' after both of us. Brian Griffiths was Rhythm Guitar, Brian Racher, Lead Guitar and Mick (Cardy) Pennamacoor, Drums. There appears to be a much more recent local band that are using our name. These are not in any way connected to our band as far as I know - so there will need to be a clear distinction made on any website entry I do have some decent B&W photos of the 'Bumps' posing around the town for a photo shoot and a few other odd ones which I suppose would be of interest to old 'fans'. I will see about having them scanned.
Hope all this is useful
Barry Trevis
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Note From 'Bumps In The Night' lead vocalist Mike Salmon
Hi Dave
My name is Mike Salmon and Barry forwarded your correspondence through Pat Bowens who was our roadie and good friend. I also have some photos I can share with you, in addition to the original band I have some from the line up after Barry & Brian left, which went on for about 18 months. I stayed on as vocalist; Pete Dines [Dino] from Hertford played Bass-later moving on to organ; Dick Wall from Ware played lead guitar and after Mick Pennamacore upset Don Arden who was our manager; we had a drummer from Hemel Hempstead whose name escapes me.
After a while we were joined by Mick Taylor [a Hatfield native] who went on to John Mayall and from there to The Stones, being recruited after Brian Jones had his last swim.
During a gig at the hop in Welwyn where we were playing on the same bill as Mayall; Pat & I actually talked John Mayall into letting Mick fill in for Eric Clapton [who was Mayall's lead guitarist at the time] as he [Clapton] had not showed up. Despite a reluctance on Mayall's part he acquiesced and six months later Mick was Mayall's lead guitarist [when Mayall got fed up with Clapton's antics-he was a different character back then]. the rest is history.
Dino ended up via various routes as a keyboard player with T. Rex and Dick Wall [who played a regular guitar left handed-i.e. upside down-being self taught] turned down the opportunity to be lead for Humble Pie. Taylor always rated Dick highly. Our last drummer from Hemel was nuts but very good-unfortunately I have no idea what happened to him. I ended up in Canada for 24 years eventually starting my own successful food business; I am running a similar operation here.
Unfortunately Dino died a few years ago; Dick to the best of my knowledge is still living in Ware and Pat is in Surrey.
We had a lot of fun back then and seeing your correspondence brought back some happy memories, as a grandfather it is nice to be remembered as part of a wild R&B band. I still have the odd crazy thought about playing one last time.
Kindest regards
Mike Salmon
I remember the drummer from Hemels name-it was Ray. Mick Taylor played with us that night as he was our guitarist; he also filled in for Clapton. Somewhere around then we changed our name to Chicken shack - not the chicken shack that became semi famous and is still touring.
From: Nick and Heather Thurston Date: 04 Nov 2008 22:36:41
Subject: Musicians experiences
I stumbled across the coda web site by accident and the pictures immediately brought back memories. I used to play in bands (keyboards) around Hertford as a teenager and early twenties. I remember being part of a scratch band that played at Woodhall Community Centre around 1978 for a Labour Party do. Susan Haywood who was quiet a well-known name in political circles at the time gave a speech during the interval. None of us in the band had any particular political affiliations- it was just a chance to play. I do remember being very conscious of the people who had played there in the past and felt honoured to be on the stage. It was a really good evening. The lead guitarist was a very good front man / guitarist called Steve Stone who kept the audience and band laughing. I taped the whole gig and was recently listening it on my iPod – we did a cracking version of McCartney’s Junior’s Farm. I recall that Steve played a battered 50’s Telecaster which I had the chance to play. I still play regularly with bands and solo around Surrey.
Many thanks for the web site. All the best,
Nick Thurston (Surrey)
From: "Steve Bedford" Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 21:06:20
Subject: Note For Coda Message Page
Hi, I attended Attimore Hall School until the summer of 1966, when I entered into a toolmaking apprenticeship. I moved to Canada in 1974 and have recently written a book about the Great Pyramid in Egypt. I would like to contact my former history teacher, Mrs. Evans, both to thank her for all that Egyptian stuff she drummed into me (I became a big fan of the culture) and also to see if she would be willing to critique some or all of my work prior to publication.
If you can put me in contact with Mrs. Evans - or her in contact with me, please email and drop me a line.
Thank you.
Steve Bedford
PS If you'd like to discuss the pyramid, I'm all ears.
From: "Terina Barrow" Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 12:36:14 +1200
Subject: Note For Coda Message Page
Hi there, My name is Rita and I know Fred Coulson ( I was a close friend of his sister Gloria. We all spent a lot of time together over our school years. I have tried several times to make contact with Gloria but haven't had any joy. So this is great! I do hope that either Fred reads this email, or somebody that is in touch with Fred or Gloria Coulson. Thanks. Hoping to hear something soon.
Regards Rita Taylor .....Now known as Rita Barrow, New Zealand
From: Alan Reid Date: 10 Sep 2007 21:55:54
Subject: George Bellamy
Hi Coda, I came across your page by accident and found it very interesting and informative. I thought I would add an update on George Bellamy, He still lives in Spain but in the region of Alicante in an urbanization of a small town called Rojales
Regards Alan
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From: Peter MacGougan Date: 23 Dec 2007 23:58:13
Subject: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - David Daltrey and the Mixed Bag
Hello, I came across your site (specifically, while searching the web for info on the original LP release of "Joseph" (with David Daltrey, the Mixed Bag, and Tim Rice as Pharaoh). When I was a kid in the late Sixties I had a copy of this record and played it incessantly. At some point it went missing, I don't know what happened to it, but lately I've been trying (unsuccessfully so far) to locate another copy, or a copy on CD. It seems this was released on CD on the Deram label at some point but neither it nor the vinyl LP seems available anywhere. I think it's practically a crime that it's out of print. I am writing you in the hope that perhaps you can help me. Do you know where I can get a copy of this amazing album? There's a lot of interesting stuff on your site. Thanks for it, and for all the great photos of the Mixed Bag!
Sincerely, Peter MacGougan, Ottawa, Canada
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Thank you for your kind words about the Coda site, Peter. Here is a special Reply From Tim Rice
Dear Peter:
Dave has kindly sent me your e mail. I'm pretty sure that you must be able to find a copy of the original Joseph album somewhere. I would be surprised if the CD version is not still around somewhere on some label. I hope so as it features a particularly brilliant Pharaoh. The CD version I have is indeed on Deram and was released in 1994, catalogue no. 844 118-2. I would imagine the Decca vinyl album is no longer in print!
I can't believe you couldn't find one or both on the net somewhere. Sad to say I only have one of each (plus a cassette and an 8-track, plus the US Scepter release on vinyl) and do not wish to part with them.
Good luck with the search.
Best wishes
Tim Rice
(Click on the link to view the sleeve of the original Decca 1969 "Joseph" Vinyl LP - Ed)
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Update from Terry Saunders 03 Jan 2013
Amazon have downloads from "original" Joseph. Incorrectly titled but you can not expect everything!
Regards Terry 
From: Mike Ellis
Date: 17 Jun 07 17:34:06

Can you help? My name is Mike and apart from being a drummer, I run DM Drums, a specialist in vintage Premier and British Drums. I'm currently working on a house clearance that involves hundreds of old drums and kits, bits and bobs etc and I came across a bass drum that I believe may have once belonged to Clem Cattini.

I've attached a picture which shows the 'Rhythm Section' sticker on the top, which I am led to believe was a trade made of Clem's as I have seen at least one Ludwig kit he owned with the same sticker. I there any way you'd be able to contact Clem on my behalf to see if this is the case?

I actually bumped into him some time ago in Hoddesdon, I was collecting some graphics for a custom drum kit and I had all my drums in the back of my van. He saw the drums and came over for a chat. I didn't realise who it was at the time but he looked familiar, so a quick image google when I got home revealed who it was! How clever of me not to ask at the time!!

Anyway, if there's anything you can do to help, I would be very grateful.
Mike Ellis

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Reply From: clem cattini
Date: 18 Jun 07 15:59:59
Hi dave Yes it is. It was the kit I used with Cliff
All the best Clem  

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